Project Brief:

We are a company that inspires new ways to read books by combining blockchain technology with ease of use. Our main product is an app that you can use at home and implements our groundbreaking technology. Our target audience is parents. We want to convey a sense of eagerness, while at the same time being professional.

You must create a logo using the information given in this brief. They would prefer a mascot logo that uses the color green. The logo will be embroidered on uniforms. Take into account the company’s values and preferences, and make sure it will work for the planned use-cases.

Mascot logos are where I really get to shine. My lifelong background in art carried me all the way here in Adobe Illustrator. Since this is a company that deals in new ways to read, I think it’s very suiting for the mascot to be a book. The mascot design you see here is one I liked very much so it was mainly a matter of playing around with the typography.

Out of the three designs I finalized, this is the one that I decided on. I think it’s fun, eye-catching, meets the project brief’s demands, and works very well on a uniform. The font is Bebas Neue. The color sticks mostly to a lime green.